Digital marketing is a rapidly developing industry, and there is no shortage of websites offering up advice on how to get started. The good news is that there are many ways to pursue digital marketing, including through Google Ads and other online platforms like Facebook. In this article, I’ll look at 10 of the best digital marketing websites for beginners who want to learn more about the field or digital marketing websites for beginners who want to learn more about the field or just explore it further.



The Google Analytics is a free tool that helps you track your website traffic. Google Analytics shows you how much traffic you are getting and what pages are the most popular with your site. It also helps you understand how your site is performing, which can be useful for determining if it needs an upgrade or not.

As part of the free trial, you’ll be able to see what kind of traffic comes into your website by month, day, and hour (or minute). You can also see where in the world people are coming from: country-by-country breakdowns will show where there may be opportunities for growth or improvement in terms of marketing efforts.

Once signed up for an account with Google Analytics (which takes about 30 seconds), all there is left to do is install tracking code onto each page within your website so that when someone lands on one page after another using their browser’s direct navigation links/bookmarks, etc., they’ll record this as well as providing additional information such as device type/OS version number…

2 Moz


This is a tool that helps you to analyze your website and your competitors. Moz offers keyword research, competitive intelligence, SEO analysis & reporting, as well as link-building tools.

Moz will help you find the best keywords for organic traffic from Google search results. It also provides a list of related searches on other websites that can be used as well as a list of words with negative search volume (which means they are not good choices).

The tool will show how many times each word has appeared in the past month through its rank tracker feature. This gives an idea about how popular or popularized these terms are on different web pages around the world at any given point in time. When compared with another site’s ranking data (for example)

If someone is looking at Yahoo’s homepage right now. Then he/she may see something like “Yahoo Finance” appearing above Apple’s logo instead because there isn’t enough content written about either company yet).



 HubSpot is a marketing automation platform that helps you build and manage your digital business. You can choose from three tiers of service.

  • The free version offers unlimited users, email contacts, and leads, but you need to pay for the premium version if you want more features like social media management or custom integrations
  • The free version offers unlimited users, email contacts, and leads, but you need to pay for the premium version if you want more features like social media management or custom integrations with other applications.
  • For small businesses (those with fewer than 20 employees), HubSpot offers a free trial so they can evaluate its capabilities before committing to anything serious.

4 Kissmetrics


This is a marketing analytics platform that helps you track user behavior on websites, mobile apps, and social media. It’s used for tracking user engagement across all channels so you can see how your marketing campaign is performing.

KISSmetrics also give marketers insight into why their campaigns are working or not working. For example, if they notice a spike in visits to the site from mobile devices but no increase in conversions (the goal). They can figure out what went wrong and fix it before it becomes worse than it is already.



E-Marketer is a leading publisher of digital marketing, media, and commerce data, insights, and strategic advice. We’ve been helping marketers around the world make informed decisions for over 20 years. Our data team has offices in New York City, San Francisco, and London, with a global team that includes analysts, consultants, and industry experts who track more than $1 trillion in spending annually.



Marketing profs is a website for digital marketing professionals. The site offers a free directory of content-marketing resources, as well as articles and other information on topics, including social media strategy and influencer marketing.

The company also hosts events, such as the annual Content Marketing Conference (CMC) in Chicago each year. This past year’s event featured keynote speaker Gary Vaynerchuk from Varner Media Inc. Who talked about how to build an audience through content marketing and social media engagement?

EMarketer is a trusted source of data and an expert in evaluating digital marketing, media, and commerce trends. Our clients — top brands, agencies, and publishing companies — rely on our analysis regularly to inform their business decisions.

7 Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner

That is a website that provides social media marketing and social media management tips, too and advice. It is run by the Social Media Marketing Association (SMMA) and is a resource for social media marketers. Social Media Examiner covers topics such as how to create a successful Facebook Page,

How to use hashtags on Twitter and Pinterest, what makes a good Instagram profile picture, etc. All in an easy-to-read style with lots of helpful links at the bottom of each page.



It is a social sharing tool that’s free to use and convenient. It’s great for adding content to your website or blog, as well as sharing it with friends on Facebook and Twitter.

AddThis also allows you to track the performance of each post so you can see how many people are reading it—and whether they’ve left comments!

9 Crazyegg


Crazy Egg is a heatmap and tracking tool that allows you to visualize your website traffic on a map. You can also view live data about mouse movements, clicks, scroll depth, and form submissions from visitors.

To use Crazy Egg for digital marketing purposes, you’ll need two things. A free account with their website (which you can sign up for at And access to Google Analytics or another analytics service like Omniture.

If you don’t have access to these tools yet. But want to start using them for your digital marketing strategies without paying for an expensive package deal—or if you already use one of those services. But want something different—then this might be worth considering as well!

10 CoSchedule


It is a great tool for managing your social media presence. It allows you to schedule multiple posts, images, and videos on Instagram and Facebook at once. You can also import content from other sources like Buffer, WordPress, or Blogger.

CoSchedule is a great tool for managing your content marketing strategy by organizing blog posts into categories so they are easily accessible when needed. This makes it easier to find relevant content that fits with other business goals. Such as brand awareness or lead-generation campaigns throughout the year!


As you can see, many tools can be used to help in the digital marketing process. The key takeaway from this list is that each one of them has its pros and cons. The best way to find which tool suits your needs best is by talking with other professionals who have worked in this field.

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