Top 10 Best content writing services and freelance jobs

Top 10 Best content writing services and freelance jobs

Content writing services are a tough job, especially if you’re just starting. It can be time-consuming and frustrating. The good news is that plenty of sites out there provide content writing services for hire, so you don’t have to do it all yourself. Here are the top 10 sites for finding freelance writers:

  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Fiverr
  • Article Writing Services (CSSCWS).com – CSSCWS is where I found my Article writing. They’re very professional and quick at completing any project I give them. You can also get bids here on their site as well as add a review section where other people leave feedback about how they were treated by each writer they hired from CSSCWS over the past 12 months or so.
  • Elance – Another platform where you can find freelance writers willing to work with you on a project or just help with some blog posts or website content creation tasks.
  • Guru – This one’s pretty similar to Upwork in terms of what it offers, but Guru has more payment options when compared to Upwork (which only pays in either bitcoin or litecoin).
  • Freelancer – This site offers both individual freelancers and agencies who offer content writing services.
  • Fiverr – Fiverr is an online marketplace where people who need help with specific projects offer up their skills for sale in exchange for money.
  • Craigslist Personals section

1. LinkedIn content writing services

content writing services

The Content writing services is a great place to find freelance writing jobs, as it has many users and can help you get your foot in the door with potential clients.

It is content writing services also allow you to get feedback on your work from people who have worked with other writers before. This will improve your skill set and help you build up an audience who can refer more to work your way in the future.

Content writing services are a great place to find writing jobs, and it’s easy to use. You can search for jobs by city or state, or you can just browse the category of your choice.

02. HubPages content writing services

content writing services

HubPages content writing services is a great place to start your writing career. If you’re looking for an online platform where people can write articles and get paid for them, HubPages content writing services is one of the best options on the market.

HubPages’ Content writing services have a wide range of topics that are covered in their content library, like Health & Fitness, Travel & Tourism, Business & Finance and so much more! You can even write about what’s going on in your life or anything else that interests you!

The sites of content writing services also allow users to create their websites where they can share their work with others as well as make money from affiliate programs (where advertisers pay when someone clicks through).

3. Medium Content writing services

content writing services

This is a content platform where writers, readers, and publishers come together to share ideas, stories, and news.

That has a community of writers and readers.

This has a substantial community of writers and readers.

Here are some talking points to get you started:

4. The Wix Content writing services

content writing services

That is a free website builder that allows you to create beautiful websites in minutes. With Wix, you can easily build your website or blog with no coding required. You can also use it to create landing pages and lead generation forms, as well as customize them with images or text so they match your brand identity. It’s also mobile-friendly!

With its drag-and-drop interface, creating a beautifully designed website doesn’t require any special skills—you just pick from their library of templates and customize it however you want!

5. Word Press

content writing services

The WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It’s the most popular website management system in the world, powering over 30% of websites on the internet.

It was created by Matt Mullenweg as a platform for building personal blogs, but it’s now used to power everything from small business websites to complex eCommerce stores like Shopify or Bigcommerce.

6. The Webflow?

content writing services

It is a drag-and-drop website builder that lets you create and customize a website without coding. With the help of their user interface, it’s easy to design beautiful websites in minutes with no prior experience.

Webflow is also one of the most popular sites for content writing because it allows users to easily add images, galleries, and videos to their pages. The platform also comes with hundreds of ready-made templates, which can be customized according to your needs through its API (application programming interface).

Webflow is a cloud-based web design platform that lets you build responsive websites, mobile apps, and e-commerce stores. It uses clean code so that it can be easily used on any device without the need for plugins or extra software.

7. A Squarespace

content writing services
  • Squarespace is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to create a website quickly and easily.
  • Squarespace is ideal for bloggers, small businesses, and creative individuals who want to build their sites without the need for technical expertise or HTML knowledge.
  • It’s also easy enough for anyone with basic computer skills to use, so even if you don’t have any experience working with databases or coding languages like HTML5 or CSS3 it will still be easy for you to set up your new web presence on Squarespace!

This is a good choice if you want to create a blog or portfolio website.

8. The Contently

content writing services

That is a content writing services marketing software platform that helps businesses create and distribute content. It was founded in 2011 by former journalists, entrepreneurs, and investors.

The Content’s mission is to make it easier for any organization of any size or type to tell its story through great content—and then get readers who engage with it through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.

It has raised more than $50 million from investors, including Sequoia Capital and GGV Capital. The company is headquartered in New York City and has offices in Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and London.

9. Tumblr

content writing services

The Tumblr is a microblogging platform that allows users to highlight their content in a variety of ways, including through GIFs and images. It’s also great for finding inspiration and talent. As such, it’s an excellent place to find collaborators on projects you’re working on.

In addition to being a great platform for finding content, it is also an excellent place to find talent. It’s easy to connect with writers and other creatives who are looking for new opportunities or just want some advice.


content writing services

Ghost is a free and open-source blogging platform that uses Markdown as its markup language. It’s written in JavaScript and built on top of Node.js, a server-side JavaScript framework.

Ghost was create by former WordPress developers. Who wante to build something better than what they were using at the time? The goal was to create an easy-to-use blogging platform with minimal cost and no setup required—ideal for those who don’t want to spend hours learning complex CMS systems like the WordPress or Drupal.

Ghost uses Markdown as its markup language, which is great because it means there’s no need for HTML coding knowledge. All you need is a text editor that supports it and you’re ready.


These are just the best content writing services sites where you can find good content writers. You should also consider joining a site that pays well because it will help you become more efficient.

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