Top 10 effective blog writing tips for beginners in 2023

Top 10 effective blog writing tips for beginners in 2023

Blogs are a great way to get your name out there, but if you don’t know how to write one, it can be hard. Luckily, there are plenty of tips and tricks for beginners who want to become great bloggers. In this article, we’ll cover 10 effective blog writing tips that will help you start making money from your writings right away:

Choose the Right Topic for blog writing

  • Select a topic that interests you.
  • Choose a topic that’s relevant to your field, industry, or area of expertise.
  • Write about something that you know something about and can write engagingly–this will help keep readers engaged throughout your post!

01. Learn to Use Keyword

blog writing

Keywords are the words that people type into search engines to find content. They’re important for SEO because they help you rank higher in search results, but they also help your readers find your content.

When blog writing a post or landing page, it’s important to know what keywords people will use when searching for related information online.

For example:

If I wrote an article about how to make homemade bread (something I have done many times), then my next step would be to find out what keywords people use when searching for this topic online so that my article could appear higher up in Google searches!

02. Create an Outline for blog writing

When you’re ready to start writing, it can be helpful to create an outline. An outline helps you organize your thoughts and keep track of where you are in the writing process.

Creating a good blog post requires more than just your ability to write well;

it also requires an understanding of how other people read and understand content online.

By using an outline as your guide, you’ll have a clear idea of what needs to go into each section before starting on the actual writing process itself!

An outline is a great way to organize your thoughts and keep track of where you are in the writing process.

If you’ve ever struggled with writer’s block or felt overwhelmed by the task at hand,

using an outline can help break down complex problems into manageable tasks that are easier to tackle.

It allows you to visualize how much time each section will take so that when it comes time for revisions and edits, there won’t be any surprises.

03. Checkout Popular Blogs for blog writing

The first thing you should do is find out what topics are popular. This is a bit difficult as there are so many blogs out there, but you can use tools like Google Trends to help you get started.

Once you have a list of trending topics and styles, it’s time to figure out which ones are most effective for your blog.

You should also keep an eye on the competition from other blogs in your niche so that when people ask questions or need answers about certain topics/styles/topics etc.,

they will turn towards your site rather than someone else’s website where they might not be as knowledgeable or experienced

(or sometimes even know). This means having lots of content ready before launching into writing anything new!

04. Be Original

If you want to be successful, you need to write about something interesting and original. The best blogs are the ones that are written from the heart and reflect who the blogger is as a person.

It’s also important for bloggers to be honest—not only will this make your readers feel comfortable around you, but it will also help them trust in what they read on your blog!

There is one thing I’ve learned through my years of blogging, it’s that being transparent comes first before anything else you don’t want anyone reading over your shoulder while trying to work on something big or important!

For example:

if someone asks me how much money I make per month (and then follows up with another question), I’ll tell them straight up—I don’t want any secrets between us because everyone deserves honesty when dealing with financial issues.”

05. Edit and Proofread Your Work

  • Editing and proofreading are essential for any writer. When writing, it’s easy to get lost in the moment, but if you want your work to be taken seriously by others and yourself at the same time, then editing is important.
  • Study for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes
  • Check for consistency (e.g., use “they” instead of “them”)
  • Check for flow (e.g., does this paragraph make sense? Is there too much or not enough repetition?)

06. Include Images and Videos

Images and videos can be a great way to add value to your blog post. They can help you get more views, shares, traffic, and subscribers.

Including images in your blog posts helps readers feel like they’re getting more out of their time on the internet because they are not only reading but also seeing something that is visually appealing as well.

The right image will make all the difference between a good article and an excellent article!

07. Use Social Media Sharing Buttons for blog writing

blog writing
Social Media Share Button

To use social media sharing buttons, copy the code from your blog post and paste it into your website’s dashboard or footer. You can also find these codes at the bottom of your website if you’re using WordPress.

You write a blog post, and use social media sharing buttons to share it!

If you don’t use social media sharing buttons, you’ll lose out on a lot of potential readers.

08. Get Opinions and Feedback from Family, Friends, and Readers

blog writing
Get Opinion And Feedback From Family Readers & Friends

In the beginning, it can be difficult to get feedback on your blog. You may feel that you’re doing everything right and that no one will notice or care about what you write. But as time goes on, it’s important to get input from others who know more about writing than you do.

You should ask for feedback from friends and family members who might have unique experiences than yours; this way they can help guide your writing style into something more professional looking and easier for readers to understand.

If these people aren’t available, then try asking other writers in their field: if someone has written something similar before, then maybe there’s something specific he/she could suggest!

For example, if someone wants advice on how best to handle a certain subject matter (like health) they might recommend another writer’s article instead because they found theirs helpful while researching their topic area

09. Publish Consistently!

The most important part of blogging is that you need to publish consistently. You can’t expect your blog to grow if you only post once or twice a year, because then people will forget about it and move on.

To keep your readers coming back, it’s important to publish at least once a week (ideally more often). The more often you publish, the better chance there is that new reader will find their way over here!

If this seems daunting—or even impossible, given how busy life gets these days—don’t worry! There are plenty of ways for us all (even those without much time) to make time for our blogs:

  • Set up an RSS feed so that whenever someone subscribes via email or social media notifications from other websites (such as Pinterest), they’ll receive an alert reminding them about what we’re writing about today.
  • If possible, try not posting anything else except posts related directly back to our main page itself; otherwise, people might miss out on important information by accident
  • Finally, try making sure everyone else involved knows exactly what needs doing before any deadlines come up so everyone knows exactly where things stand at any given moment.”

10. You should include keywords, images, and videos, and edit your work.

It is important to include keywords in your content so that you can be found by people searching for what you produce. Also, make sure that the images are relevant and help add value to the post as well as add some color to it.

Videos are great attention grabbers when used correctly and can help boost your rankings in Google searches or social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter!

It’s also important not only because it makes your site visually appealing but also helps increase engagement with readers. Who wants more information about topics covered on the site during their visit there (and vice versa)?

Finally, editing may seem like an obvious thing, but many writers don’t do this. Because they assume if it’s published, then it’s good enough, right? Wrong! Editing ensures accuracy, which means fewer typos, which means more credibility.

When talking about certain topics, especially ones related directly back to our lives, such as health care issues. Such as cancer treatment options available today, vs. those available back in Victorian times. When radiation therapy was still being used despite being proven ineffective decades ago.”


Don’t assume that the best way to start a blog is by writing a long post and then editing it. Spellcheck your work twice before publishing it on the web, and make sure your grammar is correct. Section: Give yourself time to write. This will help you get into a low state when writing your blog posts (see below). Use bullet points and lists as much as possible when structuring your content. Make sure all the sentences in each paragraph have equal importance or weight within. The overall meaning behind what you are saying about them (i.e., if one sentence is more important than another, then adjust).

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  • Top 10 On-Page SEO Tips to Boost Your Website Ranking Reply

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    […] Keyword research is a very important step in the process of generating leads for your business. It helps you determine how many people are searching for the terms you want to use, and therefore, how much money you can make from them. […]

    November 16, 2022 at 4:56 pm
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    November 26, 2022 at 4:47 pm

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