Top 10 Techniques Of video promotion on YouTube in 2023

Top 10 Techniques Of video promotion on YouTube in 2023

The first thing you need to do is make sure your content is good and relevant to your target audience. You can also add annotations or comments in your videos, which will help viewers understand more about what they are watching. If you have a website with products or services, then make sure they have their own website so that people can easily find them on the search engine. People who are interested in buying something should always be given access to buy directly from the site where they can see all details including prices and delivery options before making payments online or offline etc..we will clearly tell you in this article how to get a video promotion on YouTube.

10 ways to video promotion on YouTube

video promotion on youtube

You can promote your video on YouTube by the following methods:

  • Creating a channel and uploading videos to it
  • Uploading the videos to other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter etc.
  • Creating a list of keywords based on which you will be able to rank higher in search results when someone searches for those keywords in Google Search Engine (GSE)
  • . For example, if one wants to rank top 10 videos related to “Salt and Pepper Shakers” then he should use this keyword as his keyword for ranking high in GSE search results since there is no limit imposed an on number of words used while creating an account with YouTube or any other video sharing platform like Vimeo etc.,

-One can also promote his video on YouTube by writing an article containing the same topic which has been used while creating a channel and uploading videos to it. -It is better if you can use keywords in your article title and description instead of using them only when one wants ranking higher.

Title (video promotion on YouTube)

The title of your video can be the most important element in its promotion. It should be short and compelling, relevant and descriptive, unique and original.

The title should also be relevant to your video content. A catchy title will help you get more views on YouTube and make people want to watch it after they see your video title on a search box or other website.

Video description

Video description is the most important part of a video. It’s like a resume for your video, and it should be short and concise.

The way this works is that you copy and paste the text from your YouTube channel into the YouTube search bar (if you’re not using a custom URL), then click on “Add to search”.

When someone sees this in their YouTube recommendations tab or suggestions box, they’ll see that you’ve made an effort to share what makes this video stand out from other videos in your niche by giving them all the information they need to decide whether they want to watch it!

URL links in description box video promotion on YouTube

Link to your website

The URL links should be visible in the description box. The more you can link out, the better. This is especially important if you want people to visit your website and check out what else you have posted on YouTube.

* link to your social media profiles Link to your Facebook and Twitter pages. You’ll get more traffic from these sites, and you can easily share the video on them. * link to your other videos. If you have other videos that are relevant, link to them in the description box.

This will help people find similar content that might be interesting for them.

Subscribers and social profiles of youtuber

video promotion on youtube
Youtube Subscribe

Subscribers and social profiles of youtuber

Subscribers are your fans, and social profiles are the links to other social media. You can use these tools to connect with people who might be interested in what you’re doing.

To your social media profiles. If you have a Facebook, Twitter profile, or Instagram account, then the description box should link to those accounts as well. To your other videos.

You may want to link to some of your other videos that are relevant to this one or perhaps even put them in a playlist so people can easily find what they’re looking for.

Tags for video promotion on YouTube

The tags that you used to describe your video content are one of the most important elements in helping people find it.

They should be relevant to the content of your video.

But they also need to be unique and short enough so that they don’t clutter up search results. If you’re using tags like “How-To” or “How-To-Do,” make sure those tags are used consistently throughout each video. You want people searching for these types of videos to easily find all related ones.

Another thing I recommend is making sure all of your titles have an ending period after them (ex: How To Make A Sandwich).

This helps Google understand what kind of link it’s looking at when someone searches for something like this. Which makes it easier for viewers who want more information on how exactly what was done with their sandwich!

Image for video thumbnail

video promotion on youtube
Image Thumbnails

You can use a high-resolution image for your video thumbnail. This is an important step, as you want to make sure that the thumbnail has good resolution and quality. The best way to do this is by using a professional stock photos service like Shutterstock or Stockport.

The next thing you should do is select an appropriate size for your thumbnail image. Large sizes will help users see more details in their images, while small ones will make them feel overwhelmed with information at first glance.

You should also choose which type of image will work better for this particular promotion. If there’s no text on it, then use black-and-white versions instead; otherwise, keep them colorful so people can easily read what’s written there!

Annotation for video promotion

An annotation is a tool that allows you to add text and links to your videos. They are visible on the video page and in the video player, making them one of the most effective ways to promote your content.

Annotations can be used to link directly from one annotation’s title or description field back onto YouTube;

they also allow you to create clickable links within annotations themselves, which makes it easy for viewers who want more information about what they just watched (or want someone else’s opinion) without having too many steps involved in clicking through!

Collaboration with other YouTubers

Collaboration with other YouTubers is another good way to promote your video. It can be done through a video or social media, emails, etc.

There are many ways to collaborate with other YouTubers. You can do this through video, emails, or even through social media.

Let’s say that as a music producer, you want to collaborate with another musician in your niche. You can do so through:

-Video -Emails -Social Media

  • Promote your video on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms.
  • You can also promote your video through blogs, emails etc.

Grow your channel by promoting it on other platforms. The best way to increase the number of people who subscribe to your channel is by promoting it on other sites.

You can use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your videos. You can also promote them in blogs and email newsletters.

Can you sell your video on other platforms like blogger, tumble, LinkedIn, etc?

The best way to increase the number of people who subscribe to your channel is by promoting it on other sites. You may use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your videos.

You can also promote them in blogs and email newsletters. Grow your channel by promoting it on other platforms.

promotion is a process. It can do at all levels.

Promotion is a process, it can do at all levels.

It is important to understand that promotion is not simply about making videos and uploading them onto YouTube or other platforms.

It’s also about how you approach the audience who will watch your content and what you do after they click play on your video.


So, here are the top 10 techniques of video promotion on YouTube.

Create a great title

Use keywords in your video title and description

Choose the right thumbnail image for your video

Add tags to make people find it easier to find relevant content related to your video

Mention the most popular channels in your video title and/or description. This will help people discover new channels that they might enjoy watching. Ask followers/followers to share their views by adding specific hashtags like #YoutubeVideoPromotion or #HowToMakeYourChannelPopular.

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