Top 10 best video editor for android In 2023

Top 10 best video editor for android In 2023

We have compiled a list of the best video editor for android you can use to edit your videos and make them look better.

These apps will allow you to add filters, music, and transitions to your existing videos.

1) Clips(best video editor for android)

best video editor for android

Clips is a powerful editor, best video editor for android that makes it easy to create, edit, and share videos with music, text, and effects.

Clips are available on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Clips is a free download.

  • 1. Text: Tap the T button to add text to your video.
  • 2. Music & Sound Effects: Tap the Shh button to add music or sound effects to your video.
  • 3. Add More Clips: Tap the + button above the timeline to add more clips from your camera roll,
  • or tap into a clip in your timeline to replace it with another clip.

2) Adobe Premiere Clip (the best video editor for android)

best video editor for android
Adobe Premiere Clip

Adobe Premiere Clip is the second-best video editor for android on this list. It is available for free on iOS and Android devices, as well as on web browsers.

Users can also use it on Windows and macOS computers via Microsoft Azure cloud services or Apple iCloud storage service

if they have a supported version of the Adobe Creative Cloud membership plan, that includes the CC membership.

The premium version of this app offers more features than its free counterpart, including multiple resolution options (up to 4K),

Chroma key effects like green screening and virtual makeup filters based on your moods; audio mixing capabilities;

audio export support; dedicated music editing tools; post-production controls such as fade-ins/outs between clips within an episode; video stabilization options

like motion tracking along with automatic face detection technology to automatically remove unwanted objects from framed shots while keeping all visual cues intact so viewers won’t miss anything important during playback sessions at home parties/events, etcetera).

3) Splice(best video editor for android)

best video editor for android

Splice is one of the best video editors for android. It allows you to create videos from your photos, videos, and music.

The app has a wide range of features, including:

  • Split-screen view (Videos and Photos)
  • Edit multiple clips at once with trimming tools, transitions, and effects like fade-ins/outs, etc.
  • Add text on the top or bottom of your video(s).
  • You can also add stickers and emojis in your clips along with other fun things that make it more personalized!

4) Magisto(best video editor for android)

best video editor for android

Magisto is the best video editor for android that’s available on iOS and Android.

It’s easy to use, with a lot of features and options for both beginners and pros.

Magisto offers you the option to import your existing content from other apps like Instagram or Vine (which are not supported).

You can also go through their library of over 2 million clips, which have been carefully curated by experts in the industry.

This gives you access to some great content at no cost—a huge perk if you’re just getting started!

5) VidTrim Pro

best video editor for android

VidTrim Pro is a best video editor for android that can help you trim your videos, add music, and even create a customized title.

You can use the software for editing on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows PC devices.

It also supports Windows 10 and MacOS X 10.12 Sierra (El Capitan).

The app features two main features: trimming and adding captions/descriptions to videos.

The first one allows you to cut out unnecessary parts of the video while keeping its original length intact; while the second one helps you add text bubbles over various parts of your clip

so viewers will know what they’re looking at when they watch it back later on their computers or phones!

6) Quik

Quik is the best video editor for android iPhones and iPad. It’s available in the App Store for free, with an option to purchase additional features.

Quik lets you create videos on the go with its unique interface, which includes multiple camera angles and effects like freeze frames, slow motion, and more.

Quik also allows users to import photos from their device’s camera roll or photo library into their videos as well as add text via emojis or stickers (which are accessible through the app’s settings).

Users can also add music tracks by tapping on “Music Library” under “Media” to play or skip forward/backward within their video until they find the perfect song for that particular moment!

7) VivaVideo Pro(best video editor for android)

best video editor for android

Viva Video is a powerful best video editor for android with a ton of features that make it easy to create your videos.

The app has a lot of features but is easy to use.

Viva Video is free to download and use, but some features are only available with a paid subscription.

The app includes a lot of video editing tools and effects, including the ability to combine multiple video clips into one.

You can also add text and images to your videos, as well as apply filters like green screen or slow motion.

There’s also an option for adding music or audio from other sources, including your phone’s microphone.

8) KineMaster Pro Video Editor(best video editor for android)

Kine Master Pro is the best video editor for android, which is available for free on Google Play.

The app comes with an extensive set of tools and filters that make it easy to edit videos and photos in no time.

The app supports most popular formats, including MP4, AVI, and WBEM with audio tracks up to 128 KBPS or even higher bitrates depending on the device you’re using (if your device supports it).

You can also use this tool if you want to add subtitles or watermarking while recording an event or making a movie trailer.

9) iMovie

best video editor for android

iMovie is the best video editor for android iOS, macOS, and tv OS. It has been around since 1994 and has become one of the most used apps on your smartphone or tablet.

The app does not support any advanced effects like depth of field or blur, which makes it perfect for beginners who want to learn how to edit videos without spending too much time learning how to do it.

There are many features included in this application that make it easy for users to create movies from their photos or videos taken with their camera devices.

You can also share your creations via Facebook and other social media platforms, such as WhatsApp Messenger, Instagram, etc.

10) Cute Cut Pro

best video editor for android

Cute Cut Pro is an easy-to-use best video editor for android that offers a wide range of features. The interface is clean and simple, so it’s easy to learn how to use this app.

The free version of this application gives you the basic tools necessary for editing your videos and photos, but if you want more advanced editing options

like adding text or music to your projects, then upgrading to paid membership will give anyone access to those features, as well as additional ones like motion tracking and panoramic stitching.

Cute Cut Pro works on both Android devices (and iPhones)

as well as Windows computers using Adobe Air technology, which makes it possible for users with different devices all across the globe – including iPads–to have access without needing too many resources like

RAM space because everything takes place within one place instead of being spread out across various locations throughout the device’s operating system;

something which makes working with them much easier than trying something else since they don’t need special hardware requirements either!


You can use your mobile device to edit videos on the go. The apps listed above are all pretty good and come with very similar features. Some have video stabilizing tools, while others have editing tools like trimming or cropping images.

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