Top 12 Success Stories. How to Make Money Without Spending Any?

Success Stories

Top 12 Success Stories. How to Make Money Without Spending Any?

Top 12 Success Stories you’ve probably heard entrepreneurs say: “it takes money to make money.” The conventional wisdom seems to imply that if you don’t have any capital, you have no chance of becoming successful. But what if you could start a business without investing anything?

Well, believe it or not, it is possible. From creating digital products to leveraging the power of affiliate marketing, there are countless ways to make money with very little or even no startup costs. To prove it, we’ve gathered 12 stories about ordinary people who had incredible success without investing a single penny of their own money.

In this article, we’ll explore the real-life examples of people who made it big without spending anything–not on themselves or their businesses–and see how they did it. We’ll look at what challenges they faced and how they overcame them as well as learn some valuable lessons in entrepreneurship. Let’s dive in!

Introduction to Low-Cost Ways to Make Money.

Success Stories

There are so many ways to make money without spending anything that you may not know where to start. If you want to start a side hustle but don’t have enough funds, don’t worry. It is possible to become your own boss without shelling out any money.

From freelance gigs to affiliate marketing, and even selling your own products, there are numerous lucrative opportunities out there that don’t require a large bankroll. That said, it’s important to note that even though you won’t have overhead costs initially, make sure the investment of your time and efforts are worth it for the long haul.

In this article, we’ve compiled 12 success stories from people who’ve done exactly that—they started their businesses with zero money. They range from freelancers and consultants to entrepreneurs selling digital products online. Get inspired and learn how you can make money without spending anything!

Web Design

Success Stories

Most businesses need an online presence, so why not become the one to provide it? With the right skills, you can get paid for web design without having to shell out for any start-up money.

If you’re already comfortable with coding and have experience creating websites, all you need is some marketing know-how. You don’t need a large budget – just some of your time and advertising techniques like social media and content marketing.

Spend time creating a portfolio of your best projects online, and make sure to reach out to local businesses or even large companies in your area. You never know whose website needs redesigning or updating; good web design can give an exceptional user experience and increase brand loyalty.

Adding extras such as hosting or maintenance offers will help set you apart from other designers and show potential clients that you can offer complete packages.

Copy Writing

Okay, here’s a real success story for you. Copywriting is a field that you can get into without spending any money. All you need is a good grasp of the English language and some time to write. That’s it! There are plenty of opportunities, both online and offline, so start your search now and see what happens.

Of course, to be successful in copywriting, you’ll need to hone your skills first. You should invest some time learning about marketing and messaging so that your writing is targeted and effective. As a copywriter, it’s important to understand who your audience is and what kind of message will resonate with them.

Here are some things to consider when it comes to copywriting:

  • Take the time to understand who you’re writing for – their age, occupation, interests, etc.
  • Engage with customers online – interact with customer reviews, answer customer queries on social media, etc.
  • Write clearly – keep sentences short and simple
  • Be creative – think of interesting ways to engage with customers via written content
  • Use analytics – track the success of your writing and adjust accordingly

Copywriting can be a powerful way to make money without spending anything at all—you just have to have the skills and be willing to put in the work!

Marketing Agency

Success Stories

You might not expect it, but starting a marketing agency could be a great way to make money without spending any. It requires a lot of hard work, but you can start out offering services like SEO, content marketing, and social media for free, and spend your time looking for small businesses that need help getting off the ground.

Step-by-step guide

If you’re thinking about starting your own marketing agency, here’s what you should do:

  • Research the industry – First thing first: educate yourself on the industry by reading books and articles, watching webinars, and attending seminars.
  • Put together a portfolio – When you have the knowledge, start building your portfolio to showcase your skills as an online marketer.
  • Develop relationships – Reach out to potential clients in your network and let them know that you are open for business.
  • Establish yourself as an expert – Create content to share with potential clients to demonstrate your expertise in digital marketing, such as blogs or video tutorials.
  • Build your network – Network within the industry to stay on top of trends and new opportunities to present to potential clients.
  • Grow! – Monitor the success of campaigns and use them as case studies to show off your successes with current clients and bring on new ones!

Video Editor

You can make money without spending any money by becoming a video editor. This skill is in high demand, and no financial investment is required.

If you already have a laptop and some video editing software, you’re already set up to go! All you need to do is hone your skills and start marketing your services. The basics of video editing are easy to learn, so get started by familiarizing yourself with the software and watching tutorials online.

Here are some tips that you can use to become a successful video editor:

  • Understand the different types of videos you can make. You could specialize in promotional or event videos, or focus on creating montages for personal or commercial projects.
  • Practice using the software until you are comfortable with it and develop an effective editing workflow.
  • Keep learning new techniques and exploring other tools that could benefit your work
  • Reach out to potential clients by networking with people in your area or on platforms like LinkedIn
  • Try out popular freelancer websites that connect people with businesses looking for video editors
  • Have a portfolio of sample videos showcasing your skills
  • Make sure that customers are satisfied with the end product they receive

Once you establish yourself as a reliable video editor, more job opportunities will come rolling in—making money without spending any money!

Content Creator

Do you have an eye for taking great photos and videos? Becoming a content creator could be an easy and low-cost way to make money without spending.

There are tons of platforms out there now that are hungry for content, including YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and more. You can use your skills to create videos, photos, and stories that others will pay to use. There’s no investment needed to get started – all you need is your phone, laptop, or camera and some creativity!

Research Your Niche

Research the topics and industries you’d like to create content for so you can develop ideas specific to that audience. Keep abreast of what’s trending in each space so your content is not stale or outdated. Most importantly–make sure you’re creating content that is unique from what’s already out there–this will help increase its value.

Quality Matters

Make sure the quality of your work is top-notch. Investing in a good camera or lens can take your photography to great heights as well as investing in good editing software for video making. Quality matters when it comes to making money off of content creation!

Network & Market Yourself

Once the quality of your work is up to par, get out there and start connecting with potential clients or influencers who may be interested in using your work. Use social media outlets like Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn to market yourself and showcase your work—it’s free plus word-of-mouth referrals can lead to big things!

App Developer

Being an app developer is a great way to make money without spending any. With the widespread proliferation of smartphones, apps are becoming increasingly popular and in demand. Plus, you don’t need any money to start building your own apps!


Developing an app requires a range of skills that you may already have. You’ll need to be able to code in several programming languages, like HTML, Java, and SQL. You should also understand UX/UI design principles and have a good eye for making visually appealing apps.


Though it can be intimidating at first, developing an app doesn’t have to be hard. There are numerous user-friendly platforms, like AppMakr and Bizness Apps that help you create apps without any coding experience or technical knowledge required. The key is making something simple but elegant that meets the needs of its intended users.

With some hard work and dedication, you can develop your first mobile application without spending a dime–meaning no money for expensive coding services or software licenses:

  • Research the app market
  • Choose a development platform
  • Design features & user interface elements
  • Test the app & collect feedback
  • Upload your app to the store
  • Promote your app & maximize revenue potential

By following these steps, you can enter this rapidly growing industry with no investment required other than your time – giving you the opportunity to create something impactful while still bringing in the money!

Private Tuitions

You might have heard of private tuition as a way to make money without spending any. If you have expertise in a certain area and you’re passionate about teaching, this could be a great side hustle for you.

  • Advantages of private tuition

There are several advantages to offering private tuition. You can set your own rates, pick the hours that work best for you, and work with students from the comfort of your own home. You also get the satisfaction of helping people learn new skills, which is arguably incredibly rewarding.

  • What do you need to get started?

The only thing you need is your knowledge in the area that you’ll teach and the ability to stay organized with appointments and payments. You can even start small, tutoring kids in a certain subject or helping adults learn new skills like programming or illustration — all without any capital.

Of course, one thing you’ll need to consider is marketing yourself — but luckily there are some great ways to do this without spending a penny (or cent). You could create an online portfolio on sites like LinkedIn and Behance, join tutoring groups on Facebook or other social media platforms, volunteer in local libraries and schools as well as contact organizations that deal with specific skill sets (like coding schools). By being proactive and strategic about promotion –you can build up a student base quickly -and start making money before long!


Number nine on the list of businesses you can start with no money is becoming a notary. As a notary, you can work for yourself and for others. Whether you want to be an independent contractor or partner with a local business, becoming a notary is one of the best ways to make money without spending any.

The great thing about being a notary is that it doesn’t take long to get certified as one. Plus, many states will waive the fee for your first application if you choose to work as an independent contractor or start your own business. This means that it costs absolutely nothing to become a notary!

Once you are certified as a notary, there are a number of different things that can bring in some extra income. You can provide services such as witnessing the signing of legal documents, administration of oaths, affixing corporate seals, and other similar tasks. You can also offer mobile services if needed, making it even easier for clients to access your services quickly and easily.

Being a notary also allows you to build relationships with clients that can result in more business down the line. So if you’re looking for an easy way to make some extra cash without spending any money upfront, becoming a notary is definitely something worth considering!

Airbnb MGT

Making money without spending any is no easy feat, but it’s not impossible either. Take Airbnb for example. You don’t need to have a big cash infusion to start managing apartments or homes for travelers.

Whether you manage your own property or somebody else’s, Airbnb management can be an incredibly profitable business. Here are some tips on how to get started:

  • Research other Airbnb hosts in the area

Take a look at what other Airbnb hosts in the area are doing—what type of places they’re offering, how often they’re booked, and what prices they’re charging—so you get an idea of the competition and learn from the success of others.

  • Develop a unique value proposition

What sets your rentals apart from the competition? Does your space have unique features that make it stand out? What kind of amenities do you provide? How will guests experience a stay at your property differently? Make sure that these uniquenesses shine through in all of your rentals’ marketing materials.

  • Choose an appropriate pricing strategy

Pricing can be tricky. You want to be competitive enough to attract customers but still, make a profit. Research the going rate for similar properties in the area, and adjust pricing according to seasonality or other factors as needed.

Managing an Airbnb rental might sound intimidating—but with enough research and preparation, you can create a successful and profitable business without having to spend anything upfront!

Instagram Selling

You can also make money without spending any by selling on Instagram. Being a social media platform, Instagram has become a great space to connect with potential customers. You can create an Instagram shop, where you can showcase and sell products that you’re passionate about.

When getting started, there are a few things you should consider:

  • Establishing your product niche — what kind of products do you want to sell?
  • Setting up your profile — engage with your followers and build relationships
  • Creating content for your page — use authentic photos of your products or services
  • Promote your shop — from influencer collaborations to running discounts and promotions

If done correctly, Instagram selling can be an excellent way to make money without spending any money upfront. And the best part is that you don’t have to open up a physical store or invest in inventory at first – instead, you can start small and see if it works for you before investing more time or money into it.


If you’ve got a computer and an internet connection, why not start your own coding business? You don’t need any money to get started—just knowledge.

To be successful at coding, you’ll need to have a good foundation in programming languages and a knack for problem-solving. Technology moves quickly, so you’ll need to stay up to date on the latest trends and programs.

It helps if you also have:

  • An understanding of web development, design, or data analysis
  • Sales skills for finding clients and pitching your services
  • Flexibility in working with different coding languages and platforms

Rates vary depending on your experience level and the project type. If you’re just starting out, it’s recommended that you take small projects wherever possible to build up experience. Over time, as you hone your skills and build up a portfolio of work, you can begin charging more per hour or per project. When done right, coding can be an incredibly lucrative business without ever needing to spend any money.

House Sitter

With the rise of home-sharing sites like Airbnb, more and more people are looking for someone to watch over their properties while they’re away. And that’s where you come in!

House sitting can be a great way to earn money, and the best part is that you don’t need to invest any money upfront. Here are a few things to consider when setting up house-sitting gigs:

  • Determine your duties: Are you responsible for pet care? Home repair? The yard? For each job, make sure you know ahead of time what is expected of you.
  • Negotiate regular payments: Speak with the homeowner about how much you will be paid and when during your stay.
  • Get references: Ask previous homeowners to give you a reference or review that can help attract new clients.
  • Set boundaries: Make sure both parties agree on what tasks should be done and determine if there is an extra fee for more work that comes up during the job.

House sitting can be a fun way to make money without spending any upfront costs. It allows flexibility with pay, schedule, and duties–something many other side gigs don’t offer!

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